Apple AppleShare IP 6.0 User Manual

Page 19

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Installing AppleShare IP 6.0


Because of the disadvantages of using dynamic addresses, Apple recommends you obtain a
static IP address for each computer on which you will install AppleShare IP services.

If your computer uses a modem to connect to your Internet service provider and has a static
IP address, follow these steps to set up TCP/IP and PPP:


Open the TCP/IP control panel.

If TCP is inactive, the following dialog box appears.


Click Yes.

The TCP/IP control panel appears.


Choose User Mode from the Edit menu.

The User Mode window appears.


Click Basic, if it’s not already chosen. Then click OK.

The TCP/IP window shows the basic TCP/IP options.


If your ISP has provided you with software that automatically configures your

TCP/IP control panel, do not change the settings made by the ISP software program. Skip
ahead to “Setting Up Energy Saver” on page 23.