Apple AppleShare IP 6.0 User Manual
Page 22

Chapter 1
Choose the name of your modem from the Modem pop-up menu.
If you do not see your modem listed in the Modem pop-up menu, you need to install your
modem software. For instructions, see the documentation that came with your modem.
If you want to hear the modem when it dials, click the “Sound: On” radio button.
If the telephone line that your modem uses supports tone dialing, click the Tone radio
button. Otherwise, click the Pulse radio button.
If you don’t want the modem to wait for a dial tone before it begins dialing, click the “Ignore
dial tone” checkbox so that a checkmark appears.
Close the Modem window.
In the PPP window, click the Options button.
The following dialog box appears.
If you want the modem to redial automatically when it fails to connect, choose “Redial main
number only” from the Redial pop-up menu.
Enter the number of times you want the modem to redial and the number of seconds to wait
before each attempt.
Or, if you choose “Redial main number and alternate numbers” from the pop-up menu, enter
the number of redial attempts, the seconds between attempts, and the alternate telephone
number that is to be dialed.
Click the Connection tab.