Apple AppleShare IP 6.0 User Manual
Page 60

Chapter 2
You can attach printers on each network connection type (AppleTalk or TCP/IP) to the same
or different queues. To get started, this section will only describe setting up an AppleTalk
printer queue. For instructions on connecting a printer over TCP/IP, see the Print Server
section of AppleShare IP Help after you complete the remaining instructions in this manual.
To create a queue and attach a printer to it, follow these steps:
Make sure that any printers you’d like to attach to your print queue are connected to the
network and turned on.
To check if a printer is connected correctly over AppleTalk, see if it is visible in the Chooser.
Open the Print Admin program by clicking the Open Print Admin button in the AppleShare
IP Manager window.
Enter your name and password in the Administer Print Server dialog box. Then click OK.
The Print Admin program starts up and the Print Server Activity window appears.
If the Print Server is not already running, choose Start Print Server from the Server menu.
The Server Status in the activity window changes to Running.
Click the New Queue button at the top left of the Print Server Activity window.