Apple iMovie HD User Manual

Page 48

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Chapter 6

Adding Transitions and Photos

You select and set up transitions in the Transitions pane, shown below. When you click
a transition in the list, you see what the transition looks like in the preview monitor. If
you position the playhead where you want to add a transition, and then click a
transition, you’ll have an idea of how it will look in the selected clip.

To add a transition between scenes:


Click the Transitions button to open the Transitions pane.


Select a transition in the list.


Set the length of your transition using the Speed slider under the preview monitor.

The transition length is shown in the lower-right corner of the preview monitor. The
duration is read as seconds:frames, so a timecode reading “15:08” means “15 seconds
and 8 frames.”

Tip: You can select the timecodes in the preview monitor and change them to the
precise timing you want.

Some transitions provide additional settings. For example, if you select Push, you can
also use the arrow buttons to choose the direction from which the next scene enters.
Other transitions, such as Scale Down, allow you to set where the transition originates.
If the pointer changes to a crosshair when you click in the preview monitor, you can
click again to select the origination point of the transition.


Click Preview to see how the transition will look with the settings you made.

You can continue to make adjustments and preview them until you have the effect you