Identifying full and cropped clips, Did you know? — selecting multiple clips at once, Trimming a clip using crop markers – Apple iMovie HD User Manual

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Chapter 5

Editing Basics

Identifying Full and Cropped Clips

Once you begin moving clips, you’ll notice a difference in the appearance of clips in the
timeline viewer. Full clips have rounded corners. Clips that have been trimmed or
cropped have straight edges where they’ve been shortened. You can always extend a
clip with straight ends.

Trimming a Clip Using Crop Markers

You can also trim clips using crop markers that appear under the iMovie HD monitor
and scrubber bar. You can use the crop markers to trim clips selected in the clip viewer,
timeline viewer, or Clips pane.

To trim a clip, you drag the crop markers to select the frames in the clip that you don’t
want to keep.

Did You Know? — Selecting Multiple Clips at Once

To select a range of video clips in the clip viewer or timeline viewer, hold down the
Shift key as you select the first and last clips in the range you want.

To select a range of video clips in the clip viewer or timeline viewer, drag to create
a selection box around the clips you want to select.

To select clips that aren't adjacent to each other, hold down the Command key as
you select the clips you want.

To select all the clips of a certain type, such as all the transitions in a movie, select a
clip of the type you want to change and choose Edit > Select Similar Clips.

To select all the clips in the timeline viewer or clip viewer, select a clip in the viewer,
then press Command-A.

To select all the clips in the Clips pane, select one and press Command-A. To select
a subset of clips in the Clips pane, hold down the Shift key as you click the clips, or
click an empty spot in the Clips pane and drag to encompass the clips.

To select all the audio clips in a track, select one clip and choose Edit > Select All.

Trimmed clip

Full clip