Saving as you work – Apple iMovie HD User Manual
Page 46

Chapter 5
Editing Basics
Saving as You Work
It’s a good idea to save your work periodically as you make changes. Because iMovie
HD saves your original footage even after trimming, you can still retrieve trimmed
footage after you save.
To save your project:
Choose File > Save Project.
At times you may want to open your project as it was last saved and start over,
cancelling any unsaved changes.
To revert to the last saved version of your project:
Choose File > “Revert to Saved”.
Did You Know? — Copying And Pasting Clips Between Projects
You can easily transfer clips from one iMovie HD project to another. Select the clip
you want and choose Edit > Copy. Open another iMovie HD project and paste the
clip where you want it. It’s that easy. You can also drag a clip out of your movie to the
Finder desktop, then drag it from the desktop into another iMovie HD project.
Did You Know? — Creating Different Versions of Your Project
You can save a copy of your project, giving it a different name. You can then create a
different version of the movie or use parts of the movie in a new project.
Saving multiple copies of a project can be extremely useful, but can use large
amounts of disk space.
To save a copy of your project with a different name, choose File > Save Project As.
Enter a name and choose a location for the copy of the project and click Save.