Adding transitions and photos, Adding a transition between scenes, Chapter – Apple iMovie HD User Manual

Page 47

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Adding Transitions and Photos

This chapter explains how to use transitions and place
photos from iPhoto into a movie.

You’ve arranged your video clips in the order you want them. But the change from one
scene to the next is abrupt, and you’d like to smooth things out. You can do this using

Transitions blend the ends of clips together in a variety of ways—for example, fading
one scene into the next, dissolving one scene into another, or “pushing” the last scene
offscreen as the next scene comes on.

You can also add great photos to your movie and add movement to them for visual

Adding a Transition Between Scenes

You can place a transition between any two clips in your movie, or at the beginning or
end of the movie. Keep in mind that some transitions, like Cross Dissolve and Push, will
cut a few seconds from the length of your movie. For instance, if you put a 2-second
cross dissolve between two clips, iMovie HD overlaps 2 seconds from the first clip and
2 seconds from the second clip to create the transition. This shortens your movie by
2 seconds.

Note: You can’t place a long transition between two short clips that don’t provide
enough footage to make the transition.

As a rule of thumb, when planning the length of clips used with transitions, extend the
time of the clip by half of the transition. For example, when using a 2-second transition,
leave an extra second (1/2 the transition) at the beginning of the clip so that when the
transition is over, the clip shows the footage you want.