Apple QuickTime 7 User Manual

Page 27

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Chapter 2

Getting Started With QuickTime Pro


Creating a Slideshow or Animation From Still Images

With QuickTime Pro, you can combine a series of still images to create a movie that
plays like a slideshow. This process is an easy way to share the pictures from your
digital camera or mobile phone.

Note: Slideshows look best when all the images are the same size.

To create a slideshow from still images:


Put all the graphic files you want to include in a folder.


Name each file with the same name followed by an increasing number; for example,
“picture1,” “picture2.”

Most digital cameras number files automatically. The numbers must be increasing but
don’t have to be precisely sequential (for example, you could name the files “picture1,”
“picture5,” “picture10,” and so on).


In QuickTime Player, choose File > Open Image Sequence, then select the first file.


Choose a frame rate (how long each frame will be displayed) from the Image Sequence
Settings pop-up menu.

Slideshows usually work best when slides are shown at 2 to 3 seconds per frame.

QuickTime Pro creates the movie, which shows each picture in sequence.


Choose File > Save to name and save the movie.

You can add music to your slideshow by adding an audio track to your movie before
saving it. Open an audio file, select the portion you want to add to the slideshow, and
choose Edit > Copy. Select the slideshow (or a portion of it) and choose Edit > Select
All, then choose Edit > “Add to Selection and Scale.” The audio is sped up or slowed
down to fit the length of the paste destination (the pitch remains the same). For best
results, make the slideshow length match that of the audio as closely as possible. You
can also lengthen a soundtrack by adding multiple audio files to the movie, each
beginning at a different point.

Alternatively, you can keep the original audio speed and alter the image speed by
opening a new player window, copying and pasting the audio into the new window,
and then copying the slideshow and pasting it into the new window by choosing
Edit > “Add to Selection and Scale.”

If you’re using Mac OS X: You can also use the recording feature in QuickTime Pro to
narrate your slideshow. See “Recording Video and Audio” on page 25.