What you can connect – Apple PC Serial and Parallel Card User Manual

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What you can connect

The equipment you connect to your PC Serial and Parallel Card can be used
from within the DOS or Windows environment. You cannot access equipment
connected to the PC Serial and Parallel Card from the Mac OS. See the
manual that came with your equipment for specific instructions on how to
connect the equipment to a PC-compatible computer and how to set up,
install, and use any software that is supplied with the equipment.

The RS-232 serial port on your PC Serial and Parallel Card lets you connect
PC-compatible equipment such as a modem, image scanner, or a digital

The bidirectional parallel port on your PC Serial and Parallel Card lets you
connect PC-compatible equipment such as a printer or a security dongle.

RS-232 serial port (DB-9)

Bidirectional parallel port (DB-25)


Chapter 7