BNC 7000 Series Programmer Manual User Manual

Page 31

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:LAN:DOMain (not implemented)



This command defines the domain name of the signal generator’s DNS server. This entry defines the

DNS server for the instrument LAN connection. The query returns the current setting, not the saved


:LAN:DNS:DYNamic (not implemented)

:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DNS:DYNamic ON|OFF|1|0


This command turns dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) on/off. The query returns the current

setting, not the saved setting.

:LAN:DNS:OVERride (not implemented)

:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DNS:OVERride ON|OFF|1|0


This command enables you to override the DNS server that is returned by the DHCP server. The LAN

configuration type must be set to Auto or DHCP to use this feature. The query returns the current

setting, not the saved setting.

:LAN:DNS[:SERVer] (not implemented)



This command defines the IP address of the instrument DNS server. This entry defines the DNS

server for the instrument LAN connection. The query returns the current setting, not the saved setting.




This command sets the gateway for local area network (LAN) access to the instrument from outside

the current sub- network. The query returns the current setting, not the saved setting.




This command sets the signal generator’s local area network (LAN) connection hostname. Maximum

29 characters are allowed. The query returns the current setting, not the saved setting.

:LAN:IDENtify (not implemented)

:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IDENtify ON|OFF|1|0

Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation 2955 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901

Phone: 415-453-9955, Fax: 415-453-9956, Email: [email protected], Web: