5 :status subsystem – BNC 7000 Series Programmer Manual User Manual
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:SENSe:XX:AVERage:COUNt {1 ~ 999}
This command sets/gets average count.
This command switches the board internal path such that different measurements are possible. AM to
measure amplitude phase noise, BB to measure baseband noise, PN to measure phase noise and
MUX to measure in time domain.
:SENSe:PN:LOBandwidth {0.1 ~ 10k}
This command sets/gets PLL bandwidth for the selected channel.
This command initializes the spot noise measurement. Prior to sending this command, the user must
make sure that DUT and reference are connected and all required parameters are set. The command
will determine if measurement setup is correct and if measurement is successful. This command will
return 0 if successful, otherwise a negative value.
This command returns single phase noise value at predefined offset frequency, provided that setup
has completed successfully and DUT and reference(s) are in place.
5.5 :STATus Subsystem
This subsystem controls the status-reporting structures.
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation 2955 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: 415-453-9955, Fax: 415-453-9956, Email: [email protected], Web: www.berkeleynucleonics.com