Belkin F5D8235-4 User Manual

Page 24

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N+ Wireless Router


table of contents










alTeRNaTe seTUP MeTHod


step 1: Hardware Connections – follow the Quick

Installation guide

See the QIG or Step 1: Hardware Connections from the previous section .

step 2: set your Computer’s Network settings to

Work with a dHCP server

See the section in this User Manual called “Manually Configuring

Network Settings” for directions .

step 3: Configuring the Router Using the Web-based

advanced User Interface

Using your Internet browser, you can access the Router’s Web-Based

Advanced User Interface . In your browser, type “192 .168 .2 .1” (do not

type in anything else such as “http://” or “www”) . Then press the “Enter”

key .

logging into the Router
You will see the Router’s home page in your browser window . The home

page is visible to any user who wants to see it . To make any changes

to the Router’s settings, you have to log in . Clicking the “Login” button

or clicking on any one of the links on the home page will take you to the

login screen . The Router ships with no password entered . In the login

screen, leave the password blank and click the “Submit” button to log in .

logging out of the Router
One computer at a time can log into the Router for the purposes of

making changes to the settings of the Router . Once a user has logged in

to make changes, there are two ways that the computer can be logged

out . Clicking the “Logout” button will log the computer out . The second

method is automatic . The login will time out after a specified period of

time . The default login time-out is 10 minutes . This can be changed from

one to 99 minutes . For more information, see the section in this manual

titled “Changing the Login Time-Out Setting” .