Nokia 9290 User Manual
Page 267
16 In your communicator, press the Extras application button, select Fax modem,
and press Open.
17 In the Fax modem application, press Settings.
18 On the Connection page of the Fax modem settings, define the following:
Connection type - Cable
Transfer rate - 19200 or higher. Make sure that this setting is the same both in
your communicator and your PC.
Data bits - 8
Stop bits - 1
Flow control - Software
Press Done.
Note: Transfer rate is the speed with which the data is transferred between
your communicator and PC. The best transfer rate for normal GSM calls
is 19200 or higher. For high speed calls, you should select 115200. Select
the same rate in your PC application as well.
19 Your communicator is now ready to be used as a fax modem. Press Activate
to activate the Fax modem.
Fax modem settings
To open Fax modem, press the Extras application button, select Fax modem, and
press Open.
Note that an active PC connection using the fax modem is disconnected after 20
minutes if no data is sent or received. However, an active call is not automatically