Toshiba Magnia 7100 User Manual

Toshiba Video

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(C)2000 by TOSHIBA CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Under the copyright laws, this manual cannot be

reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of TOSHIBA. No patent liability is assumed, however, with

respect to the use of the information contained herein.

First edition September 2000


No part of this document may be reproduced without the permission of TOSHIBA.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

If you have questions or find errors in this document, please contact our customer service center.

TOSHIBA has no responsibility for the result by the operation in any situations.

As for the difference between the keyboard described in this document and your keyboard, refer to the following

Description in this document

[Enter] = [Entr], [Entrée], [Intro]


= [Control], [Strg]


= [Echap]


= [Insert], [Inser], [Einfg]


= [Delete], [Entf], [Suppr], [Supr]

[Break] = [Attn], [Untbr], [Inter]

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