Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual

Page 83

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Operations for Placing an Order


Printgroove POD Serve


The graph can show either the [Number of jobs] or the [Cost] of jobs. By de-
fault, [Number of jobs] is selected. Click [Cost] to switch views.

The graph data can be broken down into [Monthly], [Weekly] or [Daily]. By de-
fault, [Monthly] is selected. Click either of the other links to switch views.
[Daily] will display 8 days; [Weekly] will display 5 weeks; and [Monthly] will
display 13 months. All displays include the current day, week or month in the

To close the [Job Statistics] screen, click the X in the upper-right corner.



For information about adding permission to support this feature, please
see Chapter 6 of the Printgroove POD Guide User’s Guide, specifically,
the section titled “To create a Customer User”.