Chapter 1 – Konica Minolta OpenText FaxPress User Manual
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Chapter 1
Overview of the FaxPress and Konica Minolta Integration
The Captaris FaxPress External Document Connector (EDC) for
Konica Minolta lets you connect supported Konica Minolta
Multifunction Product (MFP) devices to the FaxPress server for
faxing documents scanned on the Konica Minolta MFP device
directly. The EDC facilitates interoperation between the FaxPress
and Konica Minolta MFP devices that includes using a shared
directory and placing FaxPress commands on the touch screen of
the Konica Minolta MFP device. The EDC also provides monitoring
and management functions for the interoperation.
Because the FaxPress is a network fax server, additional hardware
and provisioned phone lines are not required for Konica Minolta
MFP devices to send faxes. Integrating the FaxPress server with
Konica Minolta MFP devices makes the FaxPress a resource for
the Konica Minolta MFP devices. Not only is communication
established between the FaxPress and Konica Minolta MFP
devices but a FaxPress user-interface is created for the
Konica Minolta MFP touch screen.
The integration process includes registering the FaxPress server
with the Konica Minolta MFP device. Registration allows you to
make the FaxPress a menu option for Konica Minolta MFP device
users and to create a user-interface module for the FaxPress that
appears on the touch screen. You also specify a FaxPress user for
creating faxes. FaxPress keywords that map to FaxPress functions
are used to create the user interface. These keywords allow users
to set fax parameters on the Konica Minolta MFP device. Fax
parameters they can set include sending a cover page, recipient
address information, subject line, billing code and more.
Information the user inputs to create the FaxPress job is collected
in a separate file and sent along with the document file to the share
directory for processing. The EDC routinely polls the share
directory and causes the FaxPress to pull and process the files.
Information related to the fax transmission is retained by the
FaxPress and can be readily accessed by the FaxPress user used
to send the fax. The FaxPress can also return notification files to the
share directory regarding the transmission status of the job for the
Konica Minolta MFP device.
Requirements for Achieving Interoperability
This section lists the requirements required to achieve
interoperability between FaxPress and Konica Minolta MFP
devices. Refer to the FaxPress administrator guide for information
about configuring the FaxPress server. Refer to the documentation
of the Konica Minolta MFP device for information about configuring
the device.