Atmel ATA6264 User Manual
Airbag power supply ic ata6264 preliminary, Features, Description

Maximum Supply Voltage 40V
One Programmable/Adjustable Boost Converter
Two Programmable Buck Converters
One Programmable Linear Regulator
OTP Customer Mode
16-bit Serial Interface
Two ISO9141 Interfaces (One Interface Programmable to LIN Functionality)
Various Diagnosis Functions
5 Voltage Sources Tailored to Resistor Measurement
Charge Pump
Small, 44-pin Package
ESD Protection Against 2kV and 4kV
With the introduction of the ATA6264, Atmel
introduces a new generation of airbag
power supplies for future airbag systems tailored to the needs of the automotive
industry. It is designed in Atmel’s 0.8 micron BCDMOS technology. ATA6264 contains
all the necessary blocks to supply the microcontroller, the firing capacitors, and
peripheral components of the airbag system. The power supply specifically fulfills the
power requirements of dual-voltage microcontrollers used in modern ECUs. The inte-
grated watchdog and diagnosis blocks additionally support the safety aspects. The
8-MHz 16-bit SPI enables a high communication speed. Despite the high-level func-
tionality, ATA6264 comes in a space-saving QFP44 package.
Airbag Power
Supply IC
Document Outline
- Features
- 1. Description
- 2. Pin Configuration
- 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings
- 4. Functional Range
- 5. Supply Currents
- 6. Power Supply Sequencing
- 7. Charge Pump
- 8. GKEY Function
- 9. EVZ Step-up Regulator
- 10. VSAT Power Supply
- 11. VPERI Power Supply
- 12. VCORE Power Supply
- 13. USP Comparator for General Purpose
- 14. Reference Voltage and Reference Current Generation
- 15. Reset Function (Pin RESQ and Pin RESQ2)
- 16. Watchdog Function
- 17. LIN/ISO 9141 Interfaces
- 18. Voltage/Current Sources (IASGx Sources)
- 19. AMUX (Analog Multiplexer for Voltage Measurements)
- 20. UZP Buffer
- 21. Chip Temperature Measurement
- 22. Serial Interface Commands
- 23. Test Mode
- 24. Application Circuits
- 25. Ordering Information
- 26. Package Information
- 27. Revision History
- 28. Table of Contents