Volume control/ mute drop-down menu (top right), Sound blaster cinema 2, Volume control/ mute – MSI ATX Motherboard User Manual

Page 22: Drop-down menu (top right)

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Sound Blaster Cinema 2


Sound Blaster Cinema 2

Volume Control/ Mute

Click on the Speaker ICON to mute & un-mute the

Master Volume of the selected audio output device.

You can drag the slider left or right to the desired

level of master audio volume. It ranges from 0%

to 100% while bigger percentage indicates larger

volume typically.

Drop-down Menu (Top Right)

Click on the Drop-Down button to start your other settings:

■ Start Sound Blaster Cinema 2 when Windows starts - Check the option if you

wish to automatically start Sound Blaster Cinema 2 when Windows starts.

■ Visualization - Check this if you wish to have Visualization to be active.

■ Always On Top - Check this if you wish Sound Blaster Control to be always the

top window.

■ Tutorial - Check this if you would like to restart tutorial pages again. Tutorial

pages will start during each launch. To disable tutorial, click on “Do not show

this again” on the last page of the 3-pages tutorial.

■ Restore Default - To set the current audio device to the default state, click on

the “Restore Default” option then click OK on the Windows dialogue box.

■ Audio Device Selection - To select the desired audio output device to apply the

SBX Pro Studio effects. Click on the “Audio Device Selection” option and select

the desired output device from the drop down list. And click OK.

■ Software Language Selection - To change into the desired display language of

this program. Click on the “Software Language Selection” option. Choose the

desired language from the drop down list of supported languages. And follow

the instructions on the screen to complete the change.

■ Software Update - To update this program. Click on the “Software Update” op-

tion. And follow the instructions on the screen to complete the update.

■ About Sound Blaster Cinema 2 - The About Box shows the version number of

the Sound Blaster Cinema 2 Application. Click on OK on the dialogue box to

close it.

Menu button