Kramer Electronics VS-3232A User Manual
Page 21
VS-3232A 32x32 Audio Matrix Switcher Configurations
7.1.3 The Follow-System versus the Master/Slave Configuration Setups
shows three 32x32 matrix switchers: one
composite video switcher and two audio switchers. DIP 5 is set to ON on all
the units. DIP 6 is set to OFF on the CV VS-3232Vxl switcher and on the A1
English language VS-3232A audio switcher. DIP 6 is set to ON on the A2
French language VS-3232A audio switcher.
DIP 6 OFF (Master)
A1 - English
A2 - French
Figure 10: The Follow-System Combined with the Master/Slave Configuration Setup
In this example, the audio switchers are in the Master/Slave configuration
setup (the French language switcher always follows the English language
switcher). The CV switcher and the combined audio switcher unit are in the
Follow-System configuration setup.
summarizes the differences between the Follow-System configuration
setup and the Master/Slave configuration setup:
Table 4: Follow-System versus the Master/Slave Configuration Setup
Follow-System Configuration Setup
Master/Slave Configuration Setup
Several units are connected in a common control line.
The unit can be switched in the FOLLOW or
BREAKAWAY state at any time (using the FOLLOW
and BREAKAWAY front panel buttons), depending on
the current application requirements.
One unit is set as the Master, the others as slaves.
The Slaves always follow the Master. The machines
cannot operate as standalone units without turning
off and changing the DIP-switch settings.
The FOLLOW/BREAKAWAY state is not applicable
because the connected machines act as one unit.
Any unit can be turned on or off at any time.
The Slave unit can be turned ON only after full
initialization of the Master unit.
Each machine has a different machine number value. All the machines have the same machine number.