Baseplate-mounting procedures, Prepare the baseplate for mounting, Install the baseplate using shims or wedges – Goulds Pumps 3198 i-FRAME - IOM User Manual

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Baseplate-mounting procedures

Prepare the baseplate for mounting

1. Remove all the attached equipment from the baseplate.
2. Clean the underside of the baseplate completely.
3. If applicable, coat the underside of the baseplate with an epoxy primer.

Use an epoxy primer only if you used an epoxy-based grout.

4. Remove the rust-proofing coat from the machined mounting pads using an appropriate solvent.
5. Remove water and debris from the foundation-bolt holes.

Install the baseplate using shims or wedges

Required tools:

• Two sets of shims or wedges for each foundation bolt
• Two machinist's levels
• Baseplate-leveling worksheet

This procedure is applicable to cast iron and fabricated steel baseplates.
1. If you use sleeve-type bolts, fill the bolt sleeves with packing material or rags to prevent grout from

entering the bolt holes.

2. Put the sets of wedges or shims on each side of each foundation bolt.

The sets of wedges should have a height of between 0.75 in. (19 mm) and 1.50 in. (38 mm).



Shims or wedges

Figure 7: Top view



Shims or wedges

Figure 8: Side view

3. Lower the baseplate carefully onto the foundation bolts.
4. Put the machinist's levels across the mounting pads of the driver and the mounting pads of the pump.

NOTICE: Remove all dirt from the mounting pads in order to make sure that you achieve the
correct leveling. Failure to do so can result in equipment damage or decreased performance.

5. Level the baseplate both lengthwise and across by adding or removing shims or moving the wedges.


Model 3198 i-FRAME Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual