Index – Balboa Water Group BP 60Hz User Manual
Page 79

Manufactured under one or more of these patents. U.S. Patents: 5332944, 5361215, 5550753, 5559720, 5,883,459, 6253227, 6282370, 6590188, 6976052, 6965815, 7030343, 7,417, 834 b2,
Canadian Patent: 2342614, Australian patent: 2373248 other patents both foreign and domestic applied for and pending. All material copyright of Balboa Water Group.
Control 45
tab, Depress 43
tab, Depress sensor 40
Table, Ohm 23
TB1 17
Tech Sheets 8
temperature, continue monitoring 56
temperature display will alternate 57
Temperatures, A/B Sensor 46
Temperature, Set 55
temperatures, sensor 21
Temp Limit 46
Temps, A/B 57
terminal connector 50
terminal, damaged 50
terminal, red TB1 18
test button 58
Test, GFCI Trip 58
Testing, Acceptable Ranges for 23
Test Menu 67
TEST Menu 46
Test Menu Access 46
test mode 20, 21
Test Mode 46, 47, 48, 59
Test Mode. 21
test software 59, 66
Test the Amperage Draw 19
Test the ground fault circuit interrupter
time-out period 53
Time Outs 46
times, overlapping filter 21
torque, heater terminal nut is 30 - 35 in
lbs. 50
TP600/TP400 panels 46
TP900/TP800 panels 46
TP panels work with all BP 8
TP panels work with both Revolution
models 8
Trip, Safety 65
Troubleshooting Pumps 22
Troubleshooting Resistance 33, 34
Two Types of Peak Loads 16
Type, Heater 23
Unlocking the Panel 55
User Guide 40940 8
User Guide 40985 8
User Guide 42185 8
User Interface 8
Utilities 55
Utilities Menu 57
valves, ball 50
valves, slice 50
version, latest 8
VG Compliant suction guard 2
view the configuration 46
Voltage Checklist 23
Waiting, Heat 20
Warning, End User 2
Water is too Hot 65
Water may splash out 50
Water under pressure 50
Watts, 120V 23
Watts, 230V 23
Watts, 240V 23
wire, amperage at the red pump 19
wire, black blower 19
wires, heater 50
wires, heating assembly sensor 50
Wires, Sensor 7
wiring changes 46