Index – Balboa Water Group BP 60Hz User Manual
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Manufactured under one or more of these patents. U.S. Patents: 5332944, 5361215, 5550753, 5559720, 5,883,459, 6253227, 6282370, 6590188, 6976052, 6965815, 7030343, 7,417, 834 b2,
Canadian Patent: 2342614, Australian patent: 2373248 other patents both foreign and domestic applied for and pending. All material copyright of Balboa Water Group.
1, DIP Switch 46
1, Switch 47
6AWG copper conductors 20
6-pin connector J40 71
30A pump fuses 37
120V Amp Draw 23, 41
120 V Draw 23
120V Watts 23
230V Amp Draw 23
230V Watts 23
240V Amp Draw 23, 41
240 V Draw 23
240V Watts 23
42012, Document No. 72
42013, Document No. 72
50211, Document No. 72
50212, Document No. 72
---˚F ---˚C 59
°F or °C is replaced by °T 46
°T 48
°T, °F or °C is replaced by 46
A / B (A/B Sensor Temperatures) 65
A/B Sensor 46
A/B Sensor Temperatures 46
A/B Temps 57
Acceptable Heater Amperage Draw
Ranges 23
Acceptable Heater Ohm (Ω) Ranges 23,
Acceptable Ranges for Testing 23
Access, Test Menu 46
access to the power board 40
address, Assigning a new 72
Address, Dolphin 72
Addressing your Dolphin 72
Address, Spa 72
Adequate drainage 2
Always test continuity of a fuse 19
ammeter, amperage draw with an 19
AMP cord 42
amperage at the red pump wire 19
amperage draw limits 19
Amperage Draw Ranges 23
amperage draw with an ammeter 19
Amperage Heater Test BP500 41
Amperage Heater Test BP2000 41
appliance, continuous duty 3
arrow, right 59
A, Sensor 46, 57
Assigning a new address 72
asterisk, message with an 52
Auxiliary freeze sensor 53
A vs B or T vs H 43
background colors 60
ball valves 50
black blower wire 19
Blockage*, Pump Suction 65
blower problem 19
board, access to the power 40
Board, BP2600 45
board, expander 37
board, isolate the logic 40
board, Logic 40
Board, Logic 40
board, newer revision 45
board problem 44
BP500, Amperage Heater Test 41
BP500, Sensor Location 40
BP2000, Amperage Heater Test 41
BP2600 Board 45
BP, TP panels work with all 8
breaker, GFCI 58
B, Sensor 46, 57
button, test 58
Calls, Service 7
Canadian Electric Code 3
Cause 22
changes, wiring 46
Change the setup 46
Checklist, Voltage 23
Check Under Peak Loads 16
Circ Pump 74
Circuit, Class A Ground Fault 20
circulation pump 74
Circulation Pump Modes 53
Class A GFCI 2
Class A Ground Fault Circuit 20
cleanup cycle 54
Clean-up (or purge) Cycle 74
Code, Canadian Electric 3
Code, Fault Message 67
Code, Message 67
Code, National Electrical 3
Codes and Compliance 3
Code, Set Up 72
Codes, Fault Log Message 67
Codes, M0[XX] numbers are Message 52
Codes, Message 64
codes, set up 72
code, system 21
colder climates 53
colors, background 60
Compliance, Codes and 3
condition, error 56
conditions, freezing 58
conductors, 6AWG copper 20
Configuration Settings 46
Configuration Signature 64
configurations, setup 46
configuration, view the 46
connector, receiver’s 71
connector, sensor 40
connector, terminal 50
continue monitoring temperature 56
continuous duty appliance 3
continuously, spa to filter 21
Control System 71
cord, AMP 42
cord, GFCI power 19
Current Setup 46
cycle, cleanup 54
Cycle, Clean-up (or purge) 74
Cycle, Filtration 74
cycle, second filter 53