Swiftech H20 80 MICRO User Manual
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Copyright Swiftech 2005 – All rights reserved – Last revision date: 06-14-06- Information subject to change without notice – URL:
Rouchon Industries, Inc., dba Swiftech – 1703 E. 28
Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755 – Tel. 562-595-8009 – Fax 562-595-8769 - E Mail: [email protected]
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Prior to fill-up the circuit, you will need to re-install your power-supply in order to start-up the pump during the fill procedure. You must be able to
start the PSU without it being connected to the motherboard. While the Internet contains numerous references on how to use a paper-clip to short-
out pin 13 and 14 of the 20 pin ATX connector as shown below, we nonetheless recommend instead using a power-supply tester. A wide variety of
these common devices are available on the Internet (Google key word: “PSU tester”), and among Swiftech resellers (www.frozencpu.com,
www.Directron.com, www.newegg.com, etc.).
9. F
Simply pour the coolant that you prepared into the reservoir – carefully to avoid spills, allowing the circuit to fill-up by simple gravity. Note: for the
gravity to take effect the reservoir should be placed or held at the highest point of the cooling circuit. Once the reservoir is full, seal the fill port back
with its cap in order to avoid any spills, and start-up the pump. The reservoir will quickly (within 1 second) empty itself. Immediately turn off the
pump, top-off the fluid to the maximum level, and restart the pump. You need to repeat this operation 2 to 3 times, until the circuit is finally full of
coolant. Then, allow the system to run 10 minutes uninterrupted to clear all the micro-bubbles and foam, and finally top-off the level one last time.
Your liquid cooling circuit is now ready, and you may permanently (fasten with screws) if you so desire.
Allow the system to run for (3) hours and frequently inspect all your connections for possible leaks before you reconnect and re-install
all your components (motherboard, hard drives, etc.)
10. T
Air keeps circulating into the circuit, long after the pump has primed:
There is a significant pocket of air trapped into the circuit. In most cases this will be due to the fact that the radiator and or the
water-block where installed upside down. Temporarily dismount the device and re-orient right side-up until all the air has
escaped back into the circuit.
The fluid level is too low: top-off the reservoir to the appropriate level.
One of the components connections is loose, or improperly tightened: Inspect each connection for traces of moisture, and
tighten all worm-drive clamps, and various connections in the circuit.
The pump does not prime.
It is likely that the circuit is not installed correctly. Please check that the reservoir discharge is duly connected to the pump inlet.
Reminder: do not let the pump run dry.
The Coolant is filled with debris of some sort:
Despite our best efforts, such as lengthy ultrasonic cleaning of the radiator, and careful inspection and cleaning of all the parts we
manufacture, it is always possible that debris or some sort may be contaminating your circuit. When this happens it will significantly affect
the performance of the APOGEE water-block, which mini-jets can be easily obstructed due to their small size. The circuit should then be
completely flushed (see draining procedure below), and the APOGEE water-block should be disassembled for inspection and cleaning.
11. D
Open up the fill-cap from the MCRES-Micro
Then, you will need to disconnect a line from one of the lowermost components. Typically, this would be the pump. You need to
procure a bucket large enough to receive approximately 1 liter of fluid, and place the bucket underneath the connection that you
intend to “break”. Disconnect the line, and place both ends into the bucket, until all the liquid is drained from the system.
12. P
Every 6 months: dust off the radiator fins and fan. You can use a can of compressed air for example, available in most
electronic supply stores. If you live in a very dusty area, you should perform this task at closer intervals. It is essential to
maintain the optimum performance of your cooling system.
Inspect the liquid level inside the reservoir, and refill if necessary (no refills are normally necessary for 18 months of
continuous usage). Evaporation in this closed circuit is extremely limited, but still present due to some permeability in the
vinyl lines.