Allied Telesis AlliedView-EMS 4.0.1 QoS MANAGER User Manual

Page 123

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Values entered for the Length scheduling property are rounded up to the nearest

multiple of 16.

When the Maximum Bandwidth and Minimum Bandwidth traffic class properties are

set to any of the following values, the current firmware version automatically
converts these values to '16998400 kbps':







When this happens, any attempt to modify the traffic class will result in the error
message: "Invalid value.".

If the Premarking traffic class property is set to 'USEMARKVALUE' and the Mark

Value traffic class property is set to an integer value, they cannot be configured to

'none' at the same time. Premarking must be configured to 'none' first before Mark
Value can be configured to 'none'.

If the Default Traffic Class Premarking policy property is set to 'USEMARKVALUE'

and the Mark Value policy property is set to an integer value, they cannot be

configured to 'none' at the same time. Default Traffic Class Premarking must be
configured to 'none' first before Mark Value can be configured to 'none'.

The actual value of bytevalue that is configured for the EIPByte01-16 classifier

properties is computed by performing a bitwise AND operation between the

bytevalue and bytemask values supplied.

bytevalue = 25 (00100101)

bytemask = 3B (00111011)

AND = 21 (00100001)

The hexadecimal value 21 will be the actual value configured.

The current firmware version does not allow Minimum and Maximum bandwidth

value of '0kbps', '0mbps' or '0gbps'. Attempting to assign these values will result in

the error message "Parameter MINBANDWIDTH, value too low; minimum is

1kbps." and "Parameter MAXBANDWIDTH, value too low; minimum is 1kbps.".

The current firmware version recognizes 'DEC MOP REM CDONS' as valid

protocol attribute of classifier property instead of 'DEC MOP REM CONS' value. As

a result, both CLI and QoS Manager will return an error when set to latter value.

The current firmware version returns the Protocol parameter as a numeric value.

However, QoS Manager provides descriptive names to make it easier for users to

set the appropriate value.

The current firmware version does not allow 'Source L4 Mask' and 'Destination L4
Mask' classifier properties to accept its minimum value of '0000'. As a result, both

CLI and QoS Manager only accept '0001' as its minimum value.

AlliedView™-EMS 4.0.1 QoS Manager User’s Guide

Page 123 of 146