2 socket description, Figure 1. the 1207-pin socket, Socket description – AMD 1207 User Manual

Page 14: Figure 1, The 1207-pin socket

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Processor Thermal Solutions

Chapter 2


Rev. 3.02

August 2006

Thermal Design Guide for Socket F (1207) Processors


Socket Description

Figure 1 shows a three-dimensional view of the 1207-pin socket used with socket F (1207)
processors. This socket is based on LGA (land-grid array) technology. The LGA socket has 35 pads x
35 pads on a 1.1 mm pitch, with a 3.52 mm wide de-populated BGA (ball grid array) zone in the
center, plus a 0.66 mm offset between the two BGA arrays. A small solder-ball makes the electrical
and mechanical connection to the motherboard at each socket contact.

Figure 1.

The 1207-Pin Socket