Chapter 5 thermal design of custom 2u-4p systems, 1 motherboard component height restrictions, Chapter 5 – AMD 1207 User Manual

Page 29: Thermal design of custom 2u-4p systems, Motherboard component height restrictions, Figure 8

Chapter 5 thermal design of custom 2u-4p systems, 1 motherboard component height restrictions, Chapter 5 | Thermal design of custom 2u-4p systems, Motherboard component height restrictions, Figure 8 | AMD 1207 User Manual | Page 29 / 62 Chapter 5 thermal design of custom 2u-4p systems, 1 motherboard component height restrictions, Chapter 5 | Thermal design of custom 2u-4p systems, Motherboard component height restrictions, Figure 8 | AMD 1207 User Manual | Page 29 / 62