A.7 pc health status – Acnodes PC 6170 User Manual
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PC 6170 User’s Manual
A.7 PC Health Status
This option configures the PCI bus system. All PCI bus systems on
the system use INT#, thus all installed PCI cards must be set to this
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright © 1984-2001 Aw ard Softw are
PC Health Status
CPU Warn ing Temperatur e
Di sabled
Ite m He l p
Current GM CH Te mperature
Current CP U Temp.
Menu Level f
Cu rr ent System Te mp.
Current FAN1 S peed
Current FAN2 S peed
VBA T ( V)
5VSB (V)
Shutdown Temper ature
Di sabled
ЗИ ЖЕ : Mo ve
E n te r: S e le ct +/- / P U /P D : Va lu e
F 1 0 : S a ve
E S C : E xi t F 1 :
Gene ral He lp
F 5 : P r evious Values F6: Fail- Saf e D e f a ults F7: O p timize d D e f a ults
Current CPU Temperature
These read-only fields reflect the functions of the hardware thermal
sensor that monitors the chip blocks and system temperatures to ensure
the system is stable.
Current FAN1/FAN2 Speed
These optional and read-only fields show the current speeds in RPM
(revolution per minute) for the CPU fan and chassis fan as monitored by
the hardware monitoring IC.
SBC83810 BIOS Setup