A.1 standard cmos setup menu – Acnodes PC 6170 User Manual
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PC 6170 User’s Manual
A p p e n d i x A
SBC83810 BIOS Setup
The board used in the PC 6170 is SBC83810. The different settings
available in the Award BIOS that comes with the SBC83810. Also
contained here are instructions on how to set up the BIOS
A.1 Standard CMOS Setup Menu
The items in Standard CMOS Setup Menu are divided into 10
categories. Each category includes no, one or more than one setup
items. Use the arrow keys to highlight the item and then use the
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright © 2000-2004 Aw ard Softw are
Stand ard CMOS Features
Date (mm:dd :yy )
10 2002
Item He lp
Time (hh:mm:ss)
2 : 31 : 24
IDE Primary Master
Menu Level f
IDE Primary Sl a v e
Ch ange the
IDE Secondary Master
Da y, month,
IDE Secondary Sl ave
Year and
Ce ntu r y
Drive A
1.44M, 3.5 in.
Drive B
Ha lt On
All, Bu t Keyboard
ЗИ ЖЕ : Mo ve
E n te r: S e le ct +/- / P U /P D : Va lu e
F 1 0 : S a ve
E S C : E xi t F 1 :
Gene ral He lp
F 5 : P r evious Values F6: Fail- Saf e D e f a ults F7: O p timize d D e f a ults
SBC83810 BIOS Setup