A.3 advanced chipset features – Acnodes PC 6170 User Manual
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PC 6170 User’s Manual
A.3 Advanced Chipset Features
Since the features in this section are related to the chipset on the
CPU board and are completely optimized, you are not recommended
to change the default settings in this setup table unless you are well
oriented with the chipset features.
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright © 1984-2001 Aw ard Softw are
Ad vanced Chipset Featu res
DRAM Timing
Ite m He lp
CA Ss Latency Ti me
Acti ve to Re charge De lay
Menu Level f
D RAM RA S # to CA S# De l a y
DRAM RAS# Re charge
D RAM Data In te g r ity Mo de
No n -E CC
MGM Co re Fr eq uency
Au to Max 400/333MHz
System B IOS C acheable
BIOS Ca cheable
Di sabled
Memory Ho le At 15 M-16M
Di sabled
Delayed Transacti on
Di sabled
Delay Prior to Thermal
16 Min
AGP Aperture S i ze (M B)
In it Di splay Fi rst
** On-Chip VGA Se tting **
On-Chip VG A
On-Chip Frame Bu ffe r Size
32 MB
Boot Displ ay
Au to Pane
l Scaling
Au to
Panel Number
640 x480
ЗИ ЖЕ : Mo ve
E n te r: S e le ct +/- / P U /P D : Va lu e
F 1 0 : S a ve
E S C : E xi t F 1 :
Gene ral He lp
F 5 : P r evious Values F6: Fail- Saf e D e f a ults F7: O p timize d D e f a ults
SDRAM CAS latency Time
You can select CAS latency time in HCLKs 2, 3, or Auto. The board
designer should set the values in this field, depending on the DRAM
installed. Do not change the values in this field unless you change
specifications of the installed DRAM or the installed CPU.
DRAM Data Integrity Mode
This option sets the data integrity mode of the DRAM installed in the
system. The default setting is “Non-ECC”.
SBC83810 BIOS Setup