Apple Mac Performa 640 series User Manual
Page 83

Locate the container in the Finder.
Open the container’s Info window and note the container’s size.
To open the container’s Info window, select the container’s icon and choose
Get Info from the File menu.
Close the Info window by clicking its close box.
Switch to the PC environment.
At the DOS C: prompt, type
Note how much space is available.
Subtract the amount of available space on the drive from the container size.
The number you get is the current size you need for storage.
Add 10 percent to the result of the calculation in step 8.
It’s a good idea to have extra space available, because some application
programs may need to write temporary work files to the drive, or you may
need to add software to the drive at a later time. The 10 percent figure,
however, is arbitrary; use a number that suits your needs.
If the current container is too large, the result of this calculation is the size
that the new container should be. Skip to step 12.
Determine the amount of storage needed by the additional software you want to install.
To do so, add together the amounts of storage space required for the programs
you want to install. This information is probably available in the
documentation that came with your software.
Configuring the PC Environment