Apple Mac Performa 640 series User Manual

Page 190

background image


radio and television interference vii
RAM (random-access memory). See

memory; random-access
memory (RAM); Single Inline
Memory Modules (SIMMs)

random-access memory (RAM). See also

memory; Single Inline Memory
Modules (SIMMs)

adding 34
required for QuickDraw GX and

PowerTalk programs 35

Read Me files in Apple Extras folder 15
rebooting, see restarting Macintosh;

restarting PC environment;
starting up; start up disk

rebuilding desktop 82

when application can’t be found 92
when icons don’t appear correctly 87

reinstalling PC video drivers 120
reinstalling Sound Blaster program 120
reinstalling system software 111–116

DOS-compatibility software 111–117
Macintosh (Mac OS) 103–104, 112

remote control sensor 29
repair. See service and support
repairing disks 95–101
repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 121, 122
replacing CONFIG.SYS and


replacing disk drives 34
reset button (logic board) 147
resource forks and shared files 70
Restart command (Special menu) 81
restarting Macintosh

to solve problems 81
to turn off system extensions 89

restarting PC environment 43

bypassing CONFIG.SYS and

when 120

from floppy disk 46, 49

restoring information on hard disk 39
Return key 150
right mouse button, simulating, in PC

environment 48

RS-232 signals not available on serial

ports 61

RSIs (repetitive stress injuries) 121, 122
RTF files, copying and pasting, between

environments 50, 54–55

installing software for 117


“sad Macintosh” icon 85
safety instructions 126. See also

health concerns

grounding plug 2, 127
power supply 130

screen 86. See also monitor

blank or unsynchronized, in PC

environment 106

correct image at startup, in Macintosh

environment 9

dark 10, 83
fading, when switching between

environments 44

flashes oddly when switching between

environments 110

frozen, in Macintosh environment 81,


icons appearing incorrectly on, in

Macintosh environment 86

identifying objects on, in Macintosh

environment 26

jumbled, in PC environment 111
rolling image, in PC environment 111
typing produces nothing on, in

Macintosh environment 91

typing produces nothing on, in PC

environment 111

screen saver programs 83, 128
scroll arrows 13



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