Apple Mac Performa 640 series User Manual
Page 187

monitor cable 5
monitor port 30
Mosaic software 167–168
cleaning 131–133
holding 12
installing 6–7
locking 133
moving 12–13
moving arrow with 12–13
position of 12
shortcuts with 27–28
troubleshooting 12–13, 90
troubleshooting, in PC
environment 55
unlocking 134
using, in PC environment 48
mouse button 12
simulating, in PC environment 48
mouse cable 6
checking 90
Mouse Keys setting (Easy Access control
panel), problems with 91
mouse pad 13
arrow on screen 12–13
insertion point with keys 150
Macintosh Guide window 25
mouse 12–13
multimedia programs, in PC
environment 56
musculoskeletal discomfort 122
NetWare client software 55
conserving memory with 156
installing 153–155
mapping drive letters and 156
network drivers supported in PC
environment 153
networking, expansion card for 135.
See also expansion card
networking protocols supported in PC
environment 55
network management software 153–168
Air Series TCP/IP 163–166
Chameleon TCP/IP 159–163
LAN Workplace for DOS TCP/IP
Mosaic 167–168
NetWare 153–155
Windows for Workgroups 163
network performance 56
network software, running 55–56
network system software for PC access
112, 117
“non-system disk or disk error”
message 107
Norton Utilities, compatibility problems
with 86
“not enough memory” message in PC
Setup control panel 78
“not enough space for environment”
message 68
numeric keys 150
ODI (Open Data-Link Interface)
specification 55, 133
office arrangement guidelines 123–124
on/off switch (standby power button)
2, 30
Open/Close button (CD-ROM drive) 29
Open Data-Link Interface specification
(ODI) 55, 153
opening computer 138–139
opening DOS documents, problems with
opening icons 13
shortcut for 27
opening Macintosh programs 13, 37
problems with 88, 92
open Macintosh program, identifying 37
open Macintosh application windows,
showing 37
Option key 150