Campbell Scientific Sentek TriSCAN® Manual v 1.2a User Manual

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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a

Copyright © 1991 – 2004 Sentek Pty Ltd All rights reserved

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Some important information on the configuration of the TriSCAN sensors is summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Configuration Information for TriSCAN sensors


Displays the sensor address for each sensor.

Note 1: Moisture sensor addresses start at 1. The sensor address is controlled by the
address jumper plug on the physical probe sensor assembly (refer to section of Probe
Assembly and Sensor Addressing). Non-existent sensors will not be assigned a sensor
address e.g. On an EasyAG -50 probe sensor addresses are detected as 1, 2, 3, 5 (no
sensor 4).

Note 2: Salinity sensor addresses start at 65 in firmware that supports salinity. If salinity
sensor addresses start at 129 then the firmware loaded in the probe does not support
salinity and sensors readings will be indeterminate.

Note 3: Temperature sensor addresses start at 129 in firmware that supports salinity
sensors (earlier firmware versions have a temperature sensor at address 66). At present
only one temperature sensor exists and it only samples the temperature on the interface
device circuit board. This sensor is only accessible using this IPConfig program and
cannot be accessed through the output port.

Note 4: Salinity sensors (if present) always correspond to a moisture sensor address i.e.
salinity sensor 65 is associated with moisture sensor 1, 80 with 16 etc.

Note 5: The sensors are sorted by type (moisture, salinity, temperature) then depth, then
sensor address. This sort order cannot be changed.


Depth of each sensor.

When a new sensor is detected a depth of value '0' (zero) is assigned to it. This indicates
that the sensor has not been configured yet. Clicking a depth when the row is selected
allows changing the depth. Pressing Enter or clicking outside the cell confirms the
changes. Pressing Escape discards any changes. The depth figure should reflect the
actual (physical) depth of each sensor.

Note: The depth number is not associated with any units and is just a stored value for
informative purposes. Therefore the value may mean "inch", "cm", etc.

The following notes only apply to firmware that supports salinity sensors.

You cannot directly set the depth of salinity sensors. The depth is taken from the
corresponding moisture sensor depth.

The depth of a salinity sensor remains zero until the following steps are performed.
1. The corresponding moisture sensor depth is set.
2. The salinity sensor is normalized (air and water counts set).
3. Write to Probe has been performed.
4. The salinity depths (using IPConfig version 1.4.1) are not updated after the above
steps, until “Read from Probe” (or Disconnect/Connect) has been done.

High / Air

Displays the high counts of the sensor. This field contains buttons for taking new air
counts from moisture and salinity sensors. Clicking on these buttons will start or stop
direct sensor reading for that sensor.

Low / Water

Displays the low counts of the sensors. This field contains buttons for taking new water
counts from moisture and salinity sensors. Clicking on these buttons will start or stop
direct sensor reading for that sensor.


Displays the calibration equation coefficients for the sensors. The A, B and C
components of the equation must be separated by semicolons. Clicking on the calibration
equation when the row is selected will enable editing of these coefficients. Pressing Enter
or clicking outside the cell confirms the changes. Pressing Escape discards any changes.