Where does the salt come from, Global impacts of salinization, Why measure salinity and soil water content – Campbell Scientific Sentek TriSCAN® Manual v 1.2a User Manual
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
Copyright © 1991 – 2004 Sentek Pty Ltd All rights reserved
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extent and frequency of bare spots is often an indication of the concentration of salts in the soil. If the salinity
level is not sufficiently high to cause barren spots, the crop appearance may be irregular in vegetative
Where does the salt come from?
The presence of excess salts on the soil surface and in the root zone characterizes all saline soils. The main
source of all salts in the soil is the primary rock minerals from which they derive. During the process of
chemical weathering, the salt constituents are gradually released and made soluble. The released salts are
transported away from their source of origin through surface or groundwater streams.
The salts in the groundwater stream are gradually concentrated as it moves from a wetter, more humid area
to a drier, less humid one.
Geologic materials are highly variable in their elemental composition and some materials are higher in salts
than others. The kinds of geologic formations through which the drainage water passes thus significantly
influence the composition and total concentration of salts. Salt-affected soils generally occur in regions that
receive salts from other areas. Although the weathering of rocks and minerals is the source of all salts,
rarely are salt-affected soils solely formed from the accumulation of salts in situ.
However, salts released through weathering in the arid regions with limited rainfall are usually deposited at
some depth in the soil profile, the depth depending on such factors as the water retention capacity of the soil
and the annual rainfall. If the salts are deposited beyond the rooting depth of crops, they rarely affect the
crops adversely unless they are redistributed.
Global impacts of salinization
Accumulation of excess salts in the root zone resulting in a partial or complete loss of soil productivity is a
worldwide phenomenon. Globally, approximately 400,000 square kilometres of land are affected by soil
salinization and waterlogging. It has been calculated that the world is losing at least ten hectares of arable
land every minute, three hectares of which are lost to soil salinization. Nearly 50 percent of the irrigated land
in the arid and semi-arid regions is salinized to some degree, and it is in these regions that irrigation is
essential to increase agricultural production to satisfy world food requirements.
Irrigation is often costly, technically complex and requires skilled management. Failure to apply efficient
principles of water management results in wastage of water through seepage, over watering and inadequate
drainage. This causes waterlogging, high salinity and erosion and reduces soil productivity, leading to a loss
of arable land.
Why measure salinity and soil water content?
A salinity problem exists if salt accumulates in the crop root zone to a concentration that causes a loss of
yield. Yield reductions occur where the salts accumulate in the root zone to such an extent that the crop is
no longer able to extract sufficient water from the soil solution for growth.
The plant extracts water from the soil by three mechanisms: bulk flow, diffusion and osmosis. Bulk flow and
diffusion are driven by transpiration. Water molecules lost to the atmosphere by the leaf and stems are
physically connected by cohesive forces to adjacent water molecules in the plant. This line of force is
connected throughout the plant and ends in the root-to-soil interface. Hence, any loss of water at the leaves
draws water inward from the soil.
Osmosis dictates that water moves across a membrane (root) from a lower solute concentration (more
water) to a higher solute concentration (less water). This force is referred to as osmotic or water potential.
The water is said to move down an energy gradient from a higher energy state to a lower one. Salt in the soil
water decreases the water potential and reduces the net influx of water into the plant. Hence, plants grown
in salty water suffer water stress.
Salts are added to the soil with each irrigation. The crop removes much of the applied water from the soil to
meet its evapotranspiration (ET) demand, but leaves most of the salt behind to concentrate in the shrinking
volume of soil water. Salt concentration typically increases with depth due to plants extracting water but
leaving salts behind. Each subsequent irrigation pushes the salts deeper into the root zone where they
continue to accumulate until leached.