Appendix b. example programs, B.1 crbasic examples, B.1.1 cr1000 example program – Campbell Scientific OBS-3+ and OBS300 Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitors User Manual
Page 43: B.1.1

Appendix B. Example Programs
B.1 CRBasic Examples
B.1.1 CR1000 Example Program
Below is an example CR1000 program.
The calibration values used in this program are from the calibration certificate
shown in FIGURE 7-3. The example program uses the voltage curve’s
coefficients. Since the coefficients of the voltage curve are used, the multiplier
VoltSE() needs to be 0.001. Make sure you use the correct units.
The calibration values are different for each probe.
'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'Declare Public Variables
Public NTU
Public A(2), B(2), C(2), i, n, NTUX(21)
'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Data_15m,1,-1)
DataInterval (0,15,Min,10)
Sample (1,NTU,FP2)
'Main Program
'Declare Constants
n = 21
A(1) = -0.24763
B(1) = 105.69
C(1) = -0.29928
A(2) = 35.310
B(2) = 401.11
C(2) = 0.20709
Scan (5,Sec,10,0)
SW12 (1)
'Delay 2 seconds
Delay (0,2,Sec)
'n = 21 in this case so 21 measurements will be made for both the
'high and low input ranges. A multiplier of 0.001 is used because
'the coefficients are from the voltage calibration sheet.
For i = 1 To n
VoltSe (NTUX(i),1,mV5000,1,1,0,_60Hz,0.001,0)
NTUX(i) = A(2) * NTUX(i)^2 + B(2) * NTUX(i) + C(2) ' V to NTU high range
Delay (0,45,mSec) 'Delay between measurements
Next i
'now find the median value, which will best represent
SortSpa (NTUX(),21,NTUX())