8 biological and chemical fouling, References, Biological and chemical fouling – Campbell Scientific OBS-3+ and OBS300 Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitors User Manual

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OBS-3+ and OBS300 Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitors

organic matter and interference from these materials can therefore be ignored

most of the time. One notable exception is where biological productivity is

high and sediment production from rivers and re-suspension is low. In such an

environment, OBS signals can come predominately from plankton.

11.8 Biological and Chemical Fouling

Sensor cleaning is essential during extended deployments. In salt water,

barnacle growth on an OBS sensor can obscure the IR emitter, the detector, or

both and produce an apparent decline in turbidity. Algal growth in marine and

fresh waters has caused spurious scatter and apparent increases of OBS output.

The reverse has also been noted in fresh water where the signal increases after

cleaning the sensor window. Prolonged operation in freshwater with high

tannin levels can cause a varnish-like coating to develop on an OBS sensor that

obscures the IR emitter and caused an apparent decline in turbidity. Cleaning

algal and tannin accumulation off OBS sensors is required more often during

the summer because warm water and bright sunlight increase biological and

chemical activity.

Campbell Scientific sells two wipers from a third-party manufacturer: the

Hydro-Wiper C with its own controller, or the Hydro-Wiper D that is

controlled by a datalogger.

12. References

Bohren, C.F. and D.H. Huffman. Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small

Particles, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983.

Downing, John. 2006. Twenty-five Years with OBS Sensors: the Good, the

Bad, and the Ugly. Continental Shelf Research 26, 2299-2318.

Downing, John, Turbidity Monitoring, Chapter 24 In: Environmental

Instrumentation and Analysis Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp.

511-546, 2005.

Downing, John and R.A. Beach. 1989. Laboratory apparatus for calibrating

optical suspended solids sensors. Marine Geology 86, 243-249.

Lewis, Jack. 1996. Turbidity-controlled Suspended Sediment Sampling for

Runoff-event Load Estimation. Water Resources Research, 32(7), pp. 2299-


Sadar, M. 1998. Turbidity Standards. Hach Company Technical Information

Series – Booklet No. 12. 18 pages.

Sutherland T.F., P.M. Lane, C.L. Amos, and John Downing. 2000. The

Calibration of Optical Backscatter Sensors for Suspended Sediment of Varying

Darkness Level. Marine Geology, 162, pp. 587-597.

U.S. Geological Survey. 2005. National Field Manual of the Collection of

Water-Quality Data. Book 9, Handbooks for Water-Resources Investigations

Zaneveld, J.R.V., R.W. Spinrad and R. Bartz. 1979. Optical Properties of

Turbidity Standards. SPIE 208 Ocean Optics VI. Bellingham, Washington, pp.

159-158, 1979.