1 materials and equipment, Materials and equipment – Campbell Scientific OBS-3+ and OBS300 Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitors User Manual

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OBS-3+ and OBS300 Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitors

The NTU values of the standards will remain the same as long as the ratio of

particle mass (number of particles) to water mass (volume) does not change.

Evaporation causes this ratio to increase and dust, bacteria growth, and dirty

glassware can also cause it to increase. Therefore:

1. Always use clean glassware and calibration containers.

2. Don’t leave standards on the bench in open containers or leave the

standard bottles uncapped. Perform the calibration as quickly as

possible and return the AMCO solutions to their bottles.

3. Clean dirty sensors with a clean, alcohol-soaked cloth to sterilize it

before dipping it into the standards.

4. Transfer entire bottles between containers, avoiding aeration and

shaking excess fluid off the glassware.

Because of the intrinsic errors in the NTU value of formazin used by the SDVB

manufacture (GFS Chemicals) and the dilution procedures, the uncertainty in

the NTU value of an SDVB standard is ± 1% of the value indicated on the

standard bottle. Consequently, the NTU value of one liter of standard in an

uncovered 100 mm calibration cup will increase ~ 1% in 10 hours on a typical

summer day (R.H. = 90% and air temp. = 18


C). For example, the NTU value

of a 2000 NTU standard in a 100-mm cup will increase by about 2 NTU (0.1%)

per hour. TABLE 8-2 gives the increases for some other, commonly used


TABLE 8-2. Change in NTU value resulting from one hour of



of SDVB standard; in other words, loss of water but not


Nominal NTU Value

Calibration-cup Size

mm (∅ in.)





100 (4)





150 (6)





8.1.1 Materials and Equipment

OBS sensor with test cable

Datalogger or averaging DMM with test leads, 12 V gel cell

Large black polyethylene plastic tub for measuring the clear-water points

100-mm and 200-mm black PE calibration cups

The 100-mm cups are used with standards with NTU values greater than 250

NTU and the 200-mm cups are used with the 125 and 250-NTU standards.