3 design details, Design details – Campbell Scientific OBS-3+ and OBS300 Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitors User Manual

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OBS-3+ and OBS300 Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitors

Turbidity is caused by suspended and dissolved matter such as sediment,

plankton, bacteria, viruses, and organic and inorganic dyes. In general, as the

concentration of suspended matter in water increases, so will its turbidity, and

as the concentration of dissolved light-absorbing matter increases, turbidity

will decrease. Descriptions of the factors that affect turbidity are given in

Section 11, Factors that Affect Turbidity and Suspended-Sediment


Like all other optical turbidity monitors, the OBS response

depends on the size, composition, and shape of suspended

particles, and for this reason,

the sensor must be

calibrated with suspended solids from the waters to be


There is no ‘standard’ turbidimeter design or universal formula for converting

NTU values to physical units such as mg L


or ppm. NTU values have no

intrinsic physical, chemical, or biological significance. Empirical correlations

between turbidity and environmental conditions, established through field

calibration, can be useful in water-quality investigations.

5.3 Design Details

OBS sensors detect suspended matter in water and turbidity from the relative

intensity of light backscattered at angles ranging from 90


to 165


, in clean

water. A 3D schematic of the main components of the OBS-3+ is shown in

FIGURE 5-1. The OBS300 has the same components but they are arranged


The OBS light source is a Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser diode

(VCSEL), which converts 5 mA of electrical current to 2000 µW of optical

power. The detector is a low-drift silicon photodiode with enhanced NIR

responsivity, the ratio of electrical current produced per unit of light power in



. A light baffle prevents direct illumination of the detector by the light

source and in-phase coupling that would otherwise produce large signal biases.

A daylight-rejection filter blocks visible light in the solar spectrum and reduces

ambient-light interference. In addition to the filter, a synchronous detection

circuit is used to eliminate the bias caused by ambient light. The VCSEL is

driven by a temperature-compensated voltage-controlled current source


The interface between the optics and the water sample is a window made of

cast optical epoxy.

Window transmittance must remain constant in order to

prevent calibration drift, so keeping the OBS window clean

is the most important maintenance item; see Section 10,
