Tables – Campbell Scientific CSAT3 3-D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

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Table of Contents

8-2. CSAT3 pipeline delay ........................................................................ 17

11-1. Proper location of the top (pn 17388) and bottom (pn 17389)

wicks ............................................................................................... 38

11-2. P/N 28902 CSAT3 Sonic Wick Spares Kit contents .......................... 39

11-3. CSAT3 running at 1 Hz and successfully communicating with the

CSAT3 ............................................................................................ 40

11-4. Recommended settings for the wind vertical axis .............................. 41

11-5. Recommended settings for the wind vertical axis labels .................... 41

11-6. Wind data from CSAT3 s/n 315; wind offsets within

specifications at 19 °C .................................................................... 42

A-1. Magnetic declination for the conterminous United States (2004) ... A-1

A-2. A declination angle East of True North (positive) is subtracted

from 360 (0) degrees to find True North ..................................... A-2

A-3. A declination angle West of True North (negative) is subtracted

from 0 (360) degrees to find True North ..................................... A-2

A-4. USGS web calculator ...................................................................... A-3

B-1. PC as the trigger source ................................................................... B-3

B-2. CSAT3 as the trigger source ............................................................ B-3


3-1. SDM Addressing Scheme .................................................................... 5

5-1. CSAT3 Power ...................................................................................... 9

5-2. CSAT3 SDM Output to a CR3000, CR5000, and CR9000X

Datalogger ........................................................................................ 9

5-3. CSAT3 SDM Output to a CR1000, CR800/850, CR23X and

CR10(X) Datalogger ......................................................................... 9

5-4. CSAT3 SDM Output to a 21X Datalogger ........................................ 10

5-5. CSAT3 SDM Output to a CR9000 Datalogger .................................. 10

5-6. CSAT3 RS-232 Output Pin Out ......................................................... 10

5-7. CSAT3 Analog Output Wiring .......................................................... 10

5-8. FW05/FWC-L35 Fine Wire Thermocouple ....................................... 11

6-1. CSAT3 Outputs .................................................................................. 11

6-2. SDM Compatible Dataloggers ........................................................... 12

6-3. Calibration for Analog Outputs .......................................................... 13

10-1. CSAT3 () Instruction Parameters ....................................................... 19

10-2. SDM-CSAT3 (P107) Instruction Parameters ..................................... 19

10-3. CR3000, CR1000, CR5000, CR800/850, CR9000(X), CR23X

and 21X Execution Interval and CSAT3 Execution Parameter ...... 21

10-4. CR10(X) Execution Interval and CSAT3 Execution Parameter ........ 21

10-5. Diagnostic Word ................................................................................ 22

10-6. CSAT3 Diagnostic Flags ................................................................... 23

10-7. Wiring for Program Example 1 .......................................................... 24

10-8. Wiring for Program Example 2 .......................................................... 29

B-1. RS-232 Command Codes ................................................................. B-2

B-2. RS-232 Output ................................................................................. B-4

B-3. Converting u


Wind from Word 0 .................................................... B-4

B-4. Converting u


Wind from Word 1 .................................................... B-4

B-5. Converting u


Wind from Word 2 .................................................... B-4

B-6. Converting Speed of Sound from Word 3 ........................................ B-5

B-7. Decoding the Diagnostic Flags from Word 4 ................................... B-5

B-8. Special Case – Not a Number .......................................................... B-5

B-9. RS-232 Status, Response to the S or P Command ........................... B-6

D-1. Data from Example CR3000 SDM Clock Rate Search Program .... D-2

D-2. Data from Example CR23X SDM Clock Rate Search Program ..... D-3

D-3. SDM Clock Rate Report ................................................................. D-3
