Campbell Scientific CSAT3 3-D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

Page 53

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CSAT3 Three Dimensional Sonic Anemometer

After receiving the “??” command, the CSAT3 will respond with text similar to

that below for CSAT3s running embedded code version 3 or less,

ET= 10 ts=i XD=d GN=111a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0

AH=1 AT=0 RS=0 BR=0 RI=0 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1 WM=o

ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=6 ELo=021 021 021 ELb=021 021 021 TNo=dbb d TNb=ccc JD= 007

C0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=9 9 9 tlb=9 9 9 DTR=01740 CA=0 TD=

duty=026 AQ= 10 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1

XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0315 06aug01 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev

3.0a cs=22486 &=0 os=

or the text below for CSAT3s running embedded code version 4 or greater,

SN0315 02mar04 rev 4.0s &=0 AC=1 AF=050 AH=1 AO=00300 ar=0 AQ= 20 BR=0


CF=1 C0o= 0 0 0 C0b= 0 0 0 CA=1 CD=0 cs=25417 DC=8 dl=015 DM=c DR=03465

duty=048 DT=16240 ET= 20 FA=00050 FL=007 FX=038 GN=121a GO=00000 HA=0

HG=01560 HH=02700 KT=0 LG=00832 LH=00100 MA=-020 MS=-010 MX=0 ND=1 NI=2

ns=00223 OR=1 os=0 PD=2 RA=00020 RC=0 RF=00900 RH=015 RI=0 RS=0 RX=002

SD=0 SL=035 SR=1 ss=1 T0123=1000 TD=a TF=02600 02600 02600 TK=1 TO= 0 0 0

TP=t ts=i UX=0 WM=o WR=006 XD=d xp=2 XX=00875 ZZ=0.


RS=n – RS-232 Synchronization code, n = 0 means the CSAT3 will not

send the synchronization code and n = 1 means the CSAT3 will send the

synchronization code at the end of the 10-byte RS-232 output;

BR=n – Baud Rate, n = 0 is 9600 bps and n = 1 is 19200 bps;

RI=n – Rts Independent, n = 0 means power the RS-232 drivers if the

RTS line is asserted and n = 1 means to always power the RS-232 drivers;

SNnnnn – Serial Number of the calibration file stored in EEPROM, nnnn

is the CSAT3 serial number;

ddmmmyy – date that the calibration file was created, dd is day, mmm is

month, and yy is the year;

rev n.nn – version and revision of the embedded code, n.nn is the version

and revision number, e.g. 3.0a.

“?d” – Output the summary diagnostics.

“sd n – Enable or disable the computation of the Summary Diagnostics;

where n = 0 means do not tabulate the summary diagnostic and n = 1 means

clear the current summary diagnostics and start a new tabulation.

“rs n – Toggle between sending a RS-232 Synchronization code; where n = 0

means do not send the RS-232 synchronization code and n = 1 means send the

RS-232 synchronization code (AA55 hex) at the end of each RS-232 10-byte

output. As customary for the DOS environments, the least significant byte (55

hex) of the two-byte word is transferred first.

“br n – Toggle the Baud Rate between 9600 and 19200; where n = 0 is 9600

and n = 1 is 19200. Note, the baud rate is not changed until the RTS line is