4 diagnostic word, Diagnostic word, 5. diagnostic word – Campbell Scientific CSAT3 3-D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

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CSAT3 Three Dimensional Sonic Anemometer

Ux Input Location: The Input Location to store the first of five data values to

an EDLOG datalogger. The CSAT3 returns the following data after receiving

the “Trigger and Get Data” or “Get Data after a Group Trigger” command in

the option parameter: u


, u


, u


, c or T


, and a diagnostic word, where u


, u



and u


are the wind speeds along the x, y, and z axes defined by the

anemometer head (see FIGURE 4-1), c is the speed of sound, and T


is the

sonic virtual temperature. The wind speed and the speed of sound are in units

of m s


, and T


is in degrees Celsius. If the Reps option in parameter 1 is

greater than 1, the number of sequential Input Locations used is Reps ∗ 5.

10.4 Diagnostic Word

The fifth output from the CSAT3 is the diagnostic word. The diagnostic word

describes the status of the anemometer and is useful in filtering data. For

example, when the anemometer is locking in on the ultrasonic signals after

receiving the acquire signals command, the NaN or -99999’s it sends to the

datalogger for the science data can be filtered out of the statistics based on the

diagnostic word, see the example program in Section 10.6 and 10.7.

The CSAT3 ()/SDM-CSAT3 instruction (P107), decodes the diagnostic word

and represents it in base 10. The bits in the diagnostic word are grouped

together into three categories. Bits 15 through 12 are four diagnostic flags (see

TABLE 10-5 and TABLE 10-6), bits 11 through 6 represent the range the

measurements are reported in (used by the datalogger), and bits 5 through 0 are

a counter. A detailed description of decoding the diagnostic word is given in

Appendix B.

TABLE 10-5. Diagnostic Word

Diagnostic Word

b15 - b12

b11 b10

b09 b08

b07 b06

b05 - b00

diagnostic flags











The following are four specific Diagnostic Words (Base 10) and the situation

that produces them:

NaN or -99999, Anemometer does not Respond. This is the special case when

the datalogger attempts to address an anemometer and the anemometer does

not answer. This occurs if the anemometer is not connected to the SDM bus,

the anemometer is not connected to a 12 Vdc power supply, or none of the

anemometers on the SDM bus are set to the SDM address in the

CSAT3 ()/SDM-CSAT3 (P107) instruction.

61440, Lost Trigger. The anemometer has lost the trigger source, in this case

all the diagnostic bits are set high, the range bits are set low, and the counter

bits are low. This occurs if the anemometer is disconnected from the SDM

bus; e.g. a loose SDM clock line. To bring the anemometer back on-line,

connect the CSAT3 to the SDM bus and execute the CSAT3 ()/SDM-CSAT3

(P107) instruction with the “Set Execution Parameter” Command/Option.

61503, No Data Available. The anemometer has no new data. In this case all

the diagnostic bits are set high, the range bits are low, and all the counter bits

are high. This occurs immediately after the anemometer receives the acquire

signal command from the datalogger, e.g. a CSAT3 ()/SDM-CSAT3 (P107)

instruction with the “Set Execution Parameter” Command/Option. The no new