Campbell Scientific 4WFBS120, 4WFBS350, 4WFBS1K 4 Wire Full Bridge Terminal Input Modules User Manual

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4WFBS120, 4WFBS350, 4WFBS1K 4 Wire Full Bridge Terminal Input Modules (TIM)

;This program calculates the strain for 16 quarter strain bridges using4 wire bridge completion modules.
; It takes into account the sensitivity changes due to lead length resistance.
;(1) Sensors:
; 16 strain gauges multiplexed through an AM416
;(2) DataInfo:
; Strain gauges will be measured every 5 seconds.
; Only measurement at top of minute will be stored.
;(3) SubroutineDescrptions:
; Subroutine01: Measures the zero offset strain reading, sets the gauge factor.
; Subroutine02: Outputs processed values to FinalStorage
;(4) Wiring:
; (a) Mux01:
; 10x_12V To AM416_12V

10x_GND To AM416_GND

; 10x_C3 To AM416_ResetEnable

10x_C4 To AM416_Clock

; 10x_H4 To AM416_ComH1

10x_L4 To AM416_ComL1

; 10x_E2 To AM416_ComH2

10x_AG To AM416_ComL2

; First bank example:
; SG+ To H1

SG- To L1

; SGExcite To H2

SGGnd To L2

*Table 1 Program
01: 5 Execution Interval (seconds)

;Loop through the strain gages using the AM416:

1: Do (P86)
1: 43 Set Port 3 High ;

Reset and Enable the AM416.

2: Beginning of Loop (P87)
1: 0 Delay
2: 16 Loop Count

3: Do (P86)
1: 74 Pulse Port 4 ;

Clock forward to the next bank on the AM416.

4: Excitation with Delay (P22) ;

Delay to allow relay connection to settle.

1: 2 Ex Channel
2: 0 Delay WITHEx (units = 0.01 sec)
3: 5 Delay After Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
4: 0 mV Excitation

5: Full Bridge (P6)
1: 1 Reps
2: 2 7.5 mV Slow Range
3: 4 DIFF Channel
4: 2 Excite all reps withExchan 2
5: 2500 mV Excitation
6: 1 -- Loc [ mVPerVG01 ]
7: 1.0 Mult
8: 0.0 Offset

6: End (P95)

7: Do (86)
1: 53 Set Port 3 Low ;

Deactivate the AM416.

8: If Flag/Port (P91) ;

If first time through then call zero routine.

1: 21 Do if Flag 1 is Low
2: 1 Call Subroutine 1

9: Beginning of Loop (P87) ;

This Loop calculates uStrain values:

1: 0 Delay
2: 16 Loop Count

10: Step Loop Index (P90)
1: 1 Step