Samlex America MSK-10A User Manual

Page 20

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SeCtIOn 4 |


LeD coLoR & PAtteRn


Green - Steady

“noRMAL”: battery is in bulk Stage - Normal State of Charge of
up to 80%

Green - Slowly flashing

“FULL”: battery is in either Absorption (boost) or equalization or
float Stage and PWM regulated voltage charging is active. State
of Charge is nearly full / completely full - 80% to 100%

orange - Steady

“UnDeR VoLtAGe”: battery Under Voltage Warning Signaling
has been activated at ≤ 12V / ≤ 24V. output is still available at
Load Terminals
- Will be reset automatically when voltage rises to 12.2V / 24.4V
and LeD will go back to steady Green from steady orange

red - Steady

“oVeR DiScHARGe”: Protection against over discharge of bat-
tery has been activated at ≤ 11.1V / ≤ 22.2V and the load has
been disconnected.
- Load will be reconnected automatically at 12.6V / 25.2V and
the LeD will go back to steady Green from steady red

4. StAtUS LeD “FLooDeD”: flooded type of battery has been selected

5. StAtUS LeD “GeL”: Sealed, Gel Cell type of battery gas been selected.

6. StAtUS LeD “SeALeD”: Sealed, AGM type of battery has been selected.

7. StAtUS LeD “LoAD” LoAD StAtUS inDicAtoR: Display the load status.

LeD coLoR & PAtteRn


red - flashing

red - Steady

oVeR LoAD oR SHoRt ciRcUit”: Load has been disconnected
due to overload or short circuit in the load circuit connected to
the Load Terminals
- overload: 12.5A for 5 sec – Manual reset by pressing “Set”
- Short Circuit: 35A – first short circuit is reset automatically
after 10 sec. Second consecutive short circuit will require
manual reset by pressing “Set” button

Load in oN condition

overheating Protection Indication

LeD coLoR & PAtteRn


Status LeDs “Sealed” (6), “Gel” (5)
and “flooded” (4)
flashing red simultaneously

Heat sink of the controller > 85°C
Input and output circuits have been disconnected
Will reset automatically when temperature drops
to < 75°C