Samlex America MSK-10A User Manual
Page 17

NoTe: During float Stage, if the load current is more than the current from the Pv
Panel(s), the battery voltage will drop. If the battery voltage drops to 13.2v for 12v bat-
tery and 26.4v for 24v battery, the controller reverts to Stage 1: bulk Stage. Pwm DuTy
Cycle is changed to 100% and STATuS leD “bATT” changes to steady Green thereafter.
eQUALizAtion oF LeAD AciD BAtteRieS - GeneRAL inFoRMAtion
RiSk oF exPLoSion AnD eQUiPMent DAMAGe!
• Equalizing flooded battery can produce explosive gases. Ensure proper ventilation of the
battery box
• Equalization may increase battery voltage to the level that can damage sensitive DC
loads. ensure that DC input voltage of all DC loads is greater than the equalizing
Charging Set Point. DC loads not matching equalization Voltage Set Point
should be disconnected.
• Top up the electrolyte with distilled water after completion of equalization.
• Excessive overcharging and gassing too vigorously can damage the battery plates and
cause shedding of active material from the plates. An equalization that is too high or for
too long can be damaging. review the requirements for the particular battery being used
in your system.
equalization is intentional overcharging of the battery for controlled period of time.
routine equalization cycles are often vital to the performance and life of a battery —
particularly in a solar system where peak sun hours per day are limited and variable and
may not be sufficient to keep the battery in a fully charged condition. Periodic equali-
zation is carried out for proper health and long life of a Lead Acid battery to prevent /
reduce the following undesirable effects:
Sulfation: If the charging process is not complete due to inability of the charger to pro-
vide the required voltage levels or if the battery is left uncharged for a long duration
of time, soft Lead Sulfate crystals on the Positive and Negative plates that are formed
during discharging / self discharge are not fully converted back to Lead Dioxide on the
Positive plate and Sponge Lead on the Negative plate and get hardened and are diffi-
cult to dislodge through normal charging. These crystals are non-conducting and hence,
introduce increased internal resistance in the battery. This increased internal resistance
introduces internal voltage drop during charging and discharging. Voltage drop during
charging results in overheating and undercharging and formation of more Lead Sulfate
crystals. Voltages drop on discharging results in overheating and excessive voltage
drop in the terminal voltage of the battery. overall, this results in poor performance
of the battery. Sulfation may be reduced partially by the stirring / mixing action of the
electrolyte due to gassing and bubbling because of intentional overcharging during the
equalization Stage.
electrolyte Stratification: electrolyte stratification can occur in all types of flooded
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