Aalborg Vortex Insertion User Manual

Page 55

background image Submenu Nat Gas AGA8 Menu

If “Natural Gas” is selected as flowing fluid the following parameters related to
flowing Natural Gas have to be entered:

AGA Density Mode

density calculation algorithm can use different input
data based on available by user parameters. User can
make one of the following selections (tabular entry):

- use density of Natural Gas @ reference Temperature

and Pressure (Lb/Ft^3) provided by gas supplier

- use relative density “Gr” of Natural Gas @ reference

Temperature and Pressure (real specific gravity)

Manufacture Density

density of Natural Gas @ reference Temperature and
Pressure (Lb/Ft^3) provided by gas supplier

Relative Density

relative density “Gr” of Natural Gas @ reference
Temperature and Pressure (real specific gravity)

Molecular Fracture of N


(no units)

Molecular Fracture of CO


(no units)

Reference Temperature

reference Temperature for manufacture or relative
density (deg. F)

Reference Pressure

reference Pressure for manufacture or relative
density (PSIA) Submenu Other Gases Menu

If “Other Gas” is selected as flowing fluid the following parameters related to
flowing Gas have to be entered:

Specific Gravity Mode

density calculation algorithm can use different
specific gravity data based on available by user
parameters. User can make one of the following
selections (tabular entry):

- use specific gravity as ratio of molecular weight

“G” [(g/mol)/(g/mol)] and compressibility factor
Z @ actual flowing temperature and pressure

- use real specific gravity as ratio of densities @ actu-


flowing temperature and pressure Gr = (Gas)/
