Aalborg Vortex Insertion User Manual

Page 50

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45 Submenu Meter Calibration Factor

The Meter Calibration Factor is preset at the factory for the given process condi-
tions (at STD temperature, and pressure), meter body size / pipe ID and request-
ed full scale range. It should only be changed if you replace parts of the flow meter
or your process conditions installation parameters or full scale flow rate are
changed. Contact your Aalborg representative for details. Submenu Meter Low Flow Cut Off

The low flow cut-off can be selected between 0.0 and 10.0 % of the full scale
range. Flows less than the cut-off value are internally driven to zero and not total-
ized. The analog 4-20mA outputs if assigned to flow rate are set to 4.00 mA. The
switching threshold for the low flow cut-off has 1.0 %F.S. hysteresis. Submenu Meter Low Frequency Cut Off

Low Frequency Cut Off value in Hz is preset at the factory and should not be
changed. Adjustments may be required only if you are experiencing problems.
Contact your Aalborg representative for details. Submenu Meter High Frequency Cut Off

High Frequency Cut Off value in Hz is preset at the factory and should not be
changed. Adjustments may be required only if you are experiencing problems.
Contact your Aalborg representative for details. Submenu Meter Vortex DSP Filter Coefficient

Vortex DSP Filter Coefficient is used for internal DSP algorithm and related to sig-
nal strength, density, and velocity for a given application. Adjustments may be
required only if you are experiencing problems. Contact your Aalborg representa-
tive for details. Submenu Meter Calibration Pilot Timer

The Pilot Calibration timer accumulates operational hours since last time unit was
calibrated. The value of the timer may be reset by the user by pressing ENTER but-
ton. Once ENTER button is pressed the next conformation screen will appear only
for 2 seconds. If during these two seconds user will press ENTER button again,
the Calibration Timer value will be reset to zero.