Card read, Reader states – MagTek Bluetooth MagneSafe V5 Swipe Reader User Manual

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Bluetooth MagneSafe V5 Swipe Reader


When a card is being swiped, the LED will turn off temporarily until the swipe is completed. If
there are no errors after decoding the card data, then the LED will turn green for approximately
two seconds to indicate a successful read and remain green for two seconds to indicate a
successful read and then turns off as the reader powers down.. If there are any errors after
decoding the card data, the LED will turn red for approximately two seconds to indicate that an
error occurred and then turn solid green to indicate that the card can be swiped again for another
try; the retries can go on indefinitely until a good read or until power goes off.

After a card swipe, when data should be transmitted on the Bluetooth connection, if the
connection is not available, the green LED will blink rapidly (10 times a second) until the
connection becomes available (when data is transmitted), the user holds the user switch down for
three seconds, the reader times out, or the battery power is too low. If the connection is
established the data is transmitted and the LED goes green or red to indicate transmission of
good or bad data.


A card may be swiped through the Reader slot when the LED is solid green or flashing green.
The magnetic stripe must face toward the head (as indicated by a card image on the top of the
reader) and may be swiped in either direction. If there is data encoded on the card, the reader
will attempt to read the data, encrypt it, and then send the encrypted results to the host. After the
results are sent to the host, the reader will automatically turn off.


This reader may be operated so that it requires Mutual Authentication with a Host in order to
transmit card data to the Host. When this mode of operation is required, the application software
(not necessarily the Authenticating Host) may need to know the state of the reader at any given
moment. This can be done using the Get Reader State Command. The application may retrieve
this state at any time to get a clear definition of the reader’s operation at any given moment.

For convenience, this manual refers to states with the notation State:Antecedent (e.g.,
WaitActAuth:BadSwipe). State definitions can be found at the definition of the Get Reader
State Command

In most cases, the application could also track the state by inference. As the application interacts
with the reader, most state transitions are marked by commands and responses exchanged with
the reader. The exception to this concept is the transition from WaitActRply:x to
WaitActAuth:TOAuth. This state transition occurs as the result of a timeout and the transition is
not reported to the Host. As the reader was waiting for the Host to send the Activation
Challenge Reply command and the Host set the time limit that the reader should wait, the Host
should be aware that a timeout could occur. If the reader does time out and the Host sends the
Activation Challenge Reply command, the reader will return RC = 07 (Sequence error).