Cc retrigger on – Electrix Tweaker User Manual
Page 42

6. SysEx Messages
Speed A: 5
Speed B: 1
CC Retrigger On
This pair of Bytes determines whether or not each pressure sensitive pad will stream CC messages
of a value related to the current pressure while the pad is depressed.
Bits per Pad:
0 = CC Retriggering Disabled
1 = CC Retriggering Enabled
0 (for each Pad)
1st Byte Received:
Force Sensitive Pads 1-7
Bitwise: x p7 p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1
2nd Byte Received:
Force Sensitive Pad 8
Bitwise: x x x x x x x p8
Note On/ Off Pressure Threshold
Note On pressure threshold determines how hard you have to press the pressure sensitive pad
before the TWEAKER will generate a Note On message and start streaming CC messages.
Similarly, a Note Off pressure threshold determines at which pressure the pad will generate a Note
Off message and stop streaming CC messages.
Both Thresholds are 10-bit Values
Min: 0 (0b00 0000 0000)
Max: 672 (0b 101 010 0000)
1st Byte Received:
Least Significant
Bitwise: x b1_6 b1_5 b1_4 b1_3 b1_2 b1_1 b1_0
2nd Byte Received:
Most Significant
Bitwise: x x x x x b2_2 b2_1 b2_0
Low Byte (L):
The First 7-bits of the 10-bit value (b1)
Min: 0
Max: 127
High Byte (H):
The Highest 3-bits of the 10-bit value (b2)
Min: 0
Max: 4