HighPoint RocketRAID 2210 User Manual

Page 55

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Linux Driver Support


Red Hat Enterprise 4 Overview

This section provides instructions describing how to install and utilize the

RocketRAID 2210 Adapter on a Red Hat Enterprise 4 Linux system.

1 - Installing Red Hat Enterprise 4 (AS, ES, WS) Linux on the

RocketRAID 2210 controller

To install Red Hat Enterprise Linux onto disks or RAID arrays attached to

RocketRAID 2210:

Step 1 Prepare the Driver Diskette

The driver is provided in a floppy diskette image file format.

On a DOS or Windows system, a driver diskette can be generated using rawrite.exe.

This utility is included on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD (under /dosutils). Run

rawrite using a command prompt window, and follow the directions it provides.

On a Linux system, use the “dd” command to generate a boot diskette. Insert a

floppy disk into the floppy drive and type the following command (amd64 driver for


# dd if=rh3dd-amd64.img of=/dev/fd0

Step 2 Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Start installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux by booting from the installation CD.


At the “Welcome to Red Hat Linux” installation screen, a prompt labeled “boot:”

will appear at the bottom of the screen. Type in linux dd, then press ENTER.

boot: linux dd


When prompted “Do you have a driver disk?”. Select “Yes”.


When prompted “Insert your driver disk and press OK to continue”, insert the

driver diskette into the system’s floppy drive, and select “OK”.