Steps to apply chair sensor pad, Keepsafe, Deluxe 23 – Posey KeepSafe® Deluxe User Manual

Page 23: Steps to apply a chair belt and pir sensor, Testing alarm and sensors, Testing alarm and chair belt and pir sensors

Steps to apply chair sensor pad, Keepsafe, Deluxe 23 | Steps to apply a chair belt and pir sensor, Testing alarm and sensors, Testing alarm and chair belt and pir sensors | Posey KeepSafe® Deluxe User Manual | Page 23 / 36 Steps to apply chair sensor pad, Keepsafe, Deluxe 23 | Steps to apply a chair belt and pir sensor, Testing alarm and sensors, Testing alarm and chair belt and pir sensors | Posey KeepSafe® Deluxe User Manual | Page 23 / 36